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CLOVE LEAF (Eugenia caryophyllata)

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Price £4.65 inc. VAT
Code: 19

Clove Leaf (Eugenia caryophyllata)

Location: Clove is cultivated in Indonesia.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the leaves.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is amber in colour and has a strong, hot, spicy and penetrating aroma.

Description: An evergreen tropical tree growing up to 9 metres tall. The flower buds are collected before they open, for distillation.

Background: The cultivation of clove was controlled by the Portuguese until the seventeenth century, when it was taken over by the Dutch. Later the French introduced clove trees to their other colonies including Zanzibar, Reunion, Madagascar and a few islands in the Caribbean. Clove is well known as an excellent remedy for soothing toothache and for tooth and gum infections where a strong antiseptic action is required. It is also traditional to use oranges studded with cloves as insect repellents.

Properties: Antiseptic, analgesic.

Precaution: This oil is best used in lower concentrations as it may cause irritation in sensitive people.


Respiratory System-A powerful antiseptic, useful for cold and flu. Clove is an especially good expectorant during the winter months. It is a expectorant, helping to clear mucus and blocked sinuses.

Emotion-Good for mental fatigue, anxiety states and lack of concentration.

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CLOVE LEAF (Eugenia caryophyllata)

CLOVE LEAF (Eugenia caryophyllata)
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